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Scott : Stillwater Oklahoma Senior Photographer

I just don’t even know what to say about this guy. He had me laughing pretty much our entire shoot. I thought about doing a separate blog for his silly faces but then decided I’d just add them all in here. See if you can figure out which ones they are.

Check out this tree…ACK!

And I leave you with this…Go Pokes!

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The Houser Family : Stillwater Oklahoma Family Photographer

These kiddos were fired up! It was starting to spritz a bit at the beginning of our session so we worked fast. Luckily, the rain held out till we were finished with our session. I go waaaay back with these kids mom, all the way to the days of Regina Ann Dance Studio in Tulsa. Somehow we both ended up in Stillwater and have really gotten to know each other in our post-high school years and I’m so glad! Growing up, I always thought of Bethany as someone who was quiet and reserved so when her kiddos seemed more like they belonged in my super crazy family I asked her how she ended up with them. She says if I’d met her husband I’d understand. Too funny!

Thanks for letting me capture your kiddos this fall Bethany!

This is one of my tricks when photographing kids. “I’ll take one of you like that and THEN I get to choose how you pose.” Works every time.

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Stetson : Stillwater Oklahoma Senior Photographer

I’ve had a real run on senior boys lately and we’ve had lots of fun. Stetson was no exception. Madi and I met him at the botanical gardens and made our way around town having way too much fun to call any of it work. Stetson is a senior at Perkins High School and he has the most amazing blue eyes and a great sense of humor. Plus, he laughed at my jokes which gives him a gold star in my book!

The leaves this fall were incredible!

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