So this is of course a bit belated. But really, you should have come to expect that from me by now. Right?
A couple of weeks ago just before school was to start back up Madi decided she would like a haircut. Not just a trim or minor change. She wanted something totally different. I made the appointment and she started looking through images trying to find exactly what she wanted. She went in to see Lana (at Fixations in Stillwater, LOVE her!) with several photos of a mid length bob. I was home sick that day so Hubby took her and apparently it came up that if she went just a bit shorter she could donate to Locks of Love. So with a big braid in the back of her hair, Lana started snip snip snipping away.
Being a photographer and a mom I was super bummed that I wasn’t there to witness this. It’s probably for the best though. I’m sure I would have been all verklempt. Something crazy like 11 inches later my Madi came home with the cutest little new do. She usually straighten’s her hair but she has the most amazing naturally wavy FULL head of hair. I’m really not sure where she got it. Certainly not from me. I desperately wanted long hair as a child and it was straight as a board and stringy and gross. So this morning instead of straightening it she just let it dry naturally, stuck a little braid up front, and topped it all off with a headband. Loved it! So I took pictures. Cause that’s what I do. Right?
Here’s my Madi with her new short ‘do!