What? “Macomb Illinois Wedding Photographer”? Ha! Just this once, although I’d happily go visit the quaint little town again and see all of my new friends there! Actually, it’s really not that little, but I picture the town square when I think of it so in my head it’s little. And quaint.
I’m not a huge fan of snow unless I’m stuck inside, and I really don’t like to be cold, but I braved both elements when I traveled to Illinois to shoot Kellen and Seth’s amazing wedding. And let me just say, it was truly amazing. Kellen paid attention to every little teeny tiny detail. Seriously. There are so many wonderful details from this wedding that I’m splitting it up into 2 parts. Yep. I can do that, cause it’s my blog. Woohoo!
This time last year, there hadn’t been snow on the ground in Macomb for several weeks and gardens were already being planted. Thank goodness that the original plans for an outdoor wedding weren’t taking place because we had snow and lots of it for wedding day. We started bright and early that morning at one of the bridesmaids homes that was the perfect location for getting ready and gorgeous bridal party pictures!
These library themed programs were amazing!
I might have taken a few pictures of the Tom’s. Fair warning.
The whole wedding party getting ready at the same house could have been a problem but not with these nifty signs!
Did I mention how much I loved the Toms?
What’s sweeter than this Bible that belongs to Kellen’s mom? A footed pj little flower girl holding the Bible that belongs to Kellen’s mom of course!
Kellen and Seth exchanged letters and read them aloud prior to their first sight. I teared up when Kellen read the wonderful words that her soon-to-be husband wrote for her. But when Seth read his and got to the part about a journal that she had been keeping for her future husband…before she even knew who he was…oh my word. It’s a wonder I was able to get any shots at all after that!
As if the reading of the letters wasn’t enough to get me going! The prayers offered for Kellen and Seth were just amazing. What a wonderful group of Christian brothers and sisters they have!
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them.” I couldn’t help but think of this verse as I was there in the room that day.
My view of the first sight…
Madi’s view…
Kellen my dear, you are stunning!
These girls were such troopers! The high that day was 29 degrees and this was early in the morning so it had to have been in the low 20’s at this point. Brrrrrr!
Some of the guys huddled together for warmth. Others refused the huddle.