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Julia : Stillwater Oklahoma Senior Photographer

I had so much fun with Julia for her senior session. I’ve known her mother for years but have never had the pleasure of meeting Julia and she was an absolute joy. As you’ll see, she loves music. And I’d have to say that the music loves her. She has been given a beautiful gift and I got to hear her play and sing and let me just say that having background music during a photo session makes it that much more fun. We ended the session abruptly as a big storm was moving in but we got lots of great stuff before that happened. Thanks Julia (and Kaitlyn!) for hanging with me for your senior session. Enjoy your sneak peek!


Holden : Stillwater Oklahoma Newborn Photographer

This little guy has the most squeezable cheeks! Also, he was definitely not switched at birth. He looks so much like I remember his big brother and sister looking when I shot their newborn photos. Speaking of them, they are so in love with this new baby brother. Easton is adorable saying “I hold that baby” and Ellie is the perfect little Mommy. They are all so stinkin’ cute. I’m pretty sure they should have more babies in the future. 😉


Callie : Stillwater Oklahoma Senior Photographer

I had a BLAST with Callie and her people during her senior session.  They came to hang from Owasso for her senior session and I’m so glad they did.  We did a whole lotta laughing and quite a bit of picture taking.  Two of my very favorite things!  I hope your senior year has started out great Callie.  Can’t wait to have you here in Stillwater next year.  I know you think you’re going to Arkansas but let’s be real, you should come here.  😉