I sent out the last of my Christmas cards today. Yep, that’s right. It’s January 19th. I didn’t realize I still had some sitting on the counter. Oops. If you didn’t get one in the mail from me it’s because I am scatter brained and made lists like 12 times of who I needed to send one to and then lost all of said 12 lists. So, here is my Merry-Christmas-Happy-New-Year-It’s-Almost-Valentines-Day card for you.
As a bonus, I’m sharing the Stewart Christmas Card Photo-Shoot images. These were taken on the Sunday before Christmas in cold windy weather. I think we last 20 minutes. The kids did pretty good. They’ve learned that if they give me what I want then they are done faster. It’s about time they figured that out!
See that face? That’s the one he usually gives me when the camera is pointed towards him.
Eli: “Mom, look! It’s a Christmas tree!”
Madi: “Eli, put it down.”
Eli: “No! Look Mom!”
Me: “Madi, just smile.”