You.Guys. I can’t even! This is Brinlee and she was an absolute ANGEL baby. I’m not even kidding. I think the only time she ever fussed was when Daddy was putting a diaper on her and we’ll just blame that on him. Other than that, she slept the whole time and she didn’t tinkle or poo on me and she was just absolutely perfect. Her Mommy and Daddy said that she wasn’t that way in the middle of the night but I have a hard time believing that. I mean, just look at her! Oh, and her ROOM! I would shoot in there every single day if I could. It had the best light and was absolutely adorable! It’s obvious that a lot of love went into making that room perfect for their first little girl and it is nothing but perfection, just like little Brinlee!
Looooove these and this sweet family!!