Life is funny. I remember, years ago, when my life felt so different and I was “just a mom” trying to survive with little people. At the time, Brendan and my Eli played on the same little traveling baseball team together. I never, ever, would have imagined that all these years later I would be a photographer and documenting Brendan’s senior year for him. Or that Brendan’s little sister and my Sadie would one day become such wonderful friends. Or that Brendan’s mom and I would have so much fun and laugh so much when we were together. I guess that’s just sort of how life works though, right? Unexpected blessings are waiting around every corner.
Brendan, thanks for hanging with me and choosing me to capture this chapter of your story. You did a pretty terrific job for someone who wasn’t really all that excited about having senior pictures done in the first place. 😉 Enjoy your sneak peek!